To build a better future for the 50 to retirement generation, we need to identify the key issues which affect their lives.
Longevity – more people are living to an older age and more people will live to be 100… visit the Longevity page for detailed analysis here
Inequalities – people over 50 face ageism and other forms of discrimination combined with age… visit the Inequalities page for detailed analysis here
Employment – there are nearly 10 million over 50s in work, making up nearly one third of the working population. More people in this age group would like to work if they could find the right job… visit the Employment page for detailed analysis here
Economic Inactivity – over 3 million people in the UK over the age of 50 are classified as economically inactive, that is people not working and not actively seeking work… visit the Economic Inactivity page for detailed analysis here
Productivity – 50+ workers are not less productive than their younger colleagues… visit the Productivity page for detailed analysis here